Sand & Talking Therapy

Sand & Talking therapy is a 12 week, non invasive therapy which enables children and adults of any age to process emotions and heal from trauma whilst feeling safe and supported..

Sand & Talking Therapy uses the same principles as Drawing & Talking but swops paper and pencil for a shallow sand tray and an array of objects.

Each session is 30 minutes and are held at the client’s home depending on area or at my office in Sutton, Surrey.

Non-intrusive questions are asked about the scenes.

Over the twelve-week period a symbolic resolution is found to conflicts and trauma begins to heal.

Based on Jungian principles, they will be guided through the power of healing when working with the unconscious mind.

Special Introductory Offer

First session £10

Sessions thereafter £15 (to be booked in advance totalling 11 sessions)


For more information and to discuss booking sessions please click button below:

As a Drawing & Talking Practitioner, Nicola is DBS checked and fully insured.