A Hero's Journey

Year 6 - The Awakening

“You and every human on the planet have the potential to be Heroes” explains the strange Orb floating in Vinnie’s bedroom. Vinnie had hurled his controller across the room in a fit of gamer rage, it shattered into a gazillion pieces leaving a bright orange Orb in its place.


The Orb is on a mission to save Vinnie from the Comfort Zone – a desolate place where hopes and dreams can be lost forever.

The Orb tells Vinnie about the angry red Egolian who is inside him feeding off his emotions.

Join the Narrator as you follow our intrepid hero Vinnie as he masters his Egolian and his life.


Why, Hello there!

Meet an array of characters along the way who help, hinder and amuse Vinnie as he uses tools and strategies to master the Egolian inside him.

It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.

Each chapter contains interactive QR codes so that you,  the reader can experience what Vinnie hears, enjoy The Orbs gifts and be inspired by people who have gone on to master their own Egolians.

Hi, I am Nicola and I am chuffed to bits to meet you!

Here is a little insight as to why I created….

A Hero’s Journey

Not so long ago I was plodding through life. It was just ‘happening’ to me, and that was fine.  In fact I had no idea that it could be any other way.  

Those people who were majorly successful were either super talented or just way more luckier than me.

Then in 2018 I lost my mum to cancer.  She was diagnosed with lung cancer about three weeks after attending my wedding in Bali and within two weeks of the diagnosis she was gone.

After her funeral I lost myself

I did not recognise the person I saw in the mirror.  The world outside my window looked cold, bleak and uncaring.

All I wanted to do was go to sleep and never wake up, just to make the pain go away.

After a while, I realised that if I did not do something to find my joy again I was at risk of being lost forever.

I stumbled across a book called  ‘The Untethered Soul’ by Michael Singer.

There was a concept within it that changed my life forever……

..You can CHOOSE to be happy…

……it had never crossed my mind that happiness is a choice. I thought it just happened as a result of external elements.  I embraced the concept of choice and having the power to choose how I felt.

It felt like I had been thrown a buoyancy aid whilst I was drowning in grief.

So I immersed myself in  other books that would cement this idea in my subconscious.  I was on a mission to re-programme my 42-year-old brain and for the first time in my life, I felt awake.

Just prior to my wedding I left my Teaching Assistant position which I had held for eight years.  My intention had been to open my own bagel shop.  I had created a business plan and was all set to get a small business loan. 

The loss of mum changed all of that, I had lost my desire to even move off the couch.

I hoped the workshop would reignite my desire to go along with my bagel business venture.

The notes I had taken at the workshop were all rough and a little disorganised so I decided to re-write them in a neater more simplified manner.

Lightbulb moment!

It was like a bolt of inspiration hit me smack bang on the top of my head. 

I had already been thinking that if I had been introduced to this alternative way to think and been shown the tools and strategies years ago then I would have handled the loss of my mum differently. 

Perhaps more importantly it would have altered the way I viewed myself and given me a greater feeling of confidence in my own abilities. 

I had gone through life hating compliments.  I always felt undeserving and as though I must be a fraud, that one day those people who complimented me were going to wake up and see that I was none of those things at all. 

I lived in fear of my own magnificence.

But as I sat there, re-writing my notes I realised that I could take these strategies, these thought patterns, these empowering tools and create an accessible funny resilience-building tool for all our young people to use.

I take the lessons I have learned from many great self-improvement gurus who themselves have taken inspiration from those who walked the path before them and I repackage them for a younger audience to enjoy and benefit from.

This is a series of books with strategies and experiences that grow with the reader.

I am an experienced and qualified teaching assistant, mother of two teenage boys who is continually growing and learning.  Currently, I am studying to take my A-Level in Psychology in the summer of 2023.  In addition I am completing courses in Mindfulness, NLP, Hypnotherapy, EFT and recently completed my training to be an Advanced Drawing and Talking Practitioner.

Skills which I will use to ensure our young people can access a range of different techniques and strategies to find the one or ones that work for them.

After all, life is not a one size fits all experience and nor should it be.  Life is to be lived and savoured.

The tools and techniques in these books won’t stop the ups and downs of life from happening, but they could help how individuals handle, process and evolve from every experience.

In the words of the late, great Dr Wayne W Dyer……

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Coming 2022

A Hero’s Journey

Year 6 – The Beginning of the End

The Beginning of the End

As Vinnie fast approaches the end of Year 6 he is faced with SAT’s and The Orb introducing him to another character within him – Alfesteem.  

Will Vinnie continues to take heed of The Orbs advice or will he be hijacked by the Egolian and Alfesteem – lost forever to The Comfort Zone?