to a brand new concept

Fiction based resilience building adventure series

A Hero’s Journey 

 Welcome to a new era of young adults ‘self-help’ material.  Bringing a range of concepts and strategies to our young people aged from 10 upwards. 

Self-help, positive mindset and resilience-building books for young people are out there, but are they truly accessible to our youngsters?  To our reluctant readers?  Do they really speak to them on their level?  Or do kids feel like it is just another ‘lesson’ on top of the work they already do at school?

A Hero’s Journey series parps in the face of boring ‘self help’ books.

Using humour kids will enjoy and adults may baulk at, simple to use strategies and tools are explained and the reader can see these in action as Vinnie uses them in real-life situations.  QR codes throughout the book allow the reader to experience first-hand The Orbs teachings for themselves.

A Hero’s Journey series highlights the trials and tribulations encountered by famous people who have mastered their own Egolians.

Year 6 – The Awakening uses QR codes to allow the reader access to short films explaining the rise and determination of:

  • Walt Disney
  • Will Smith
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Arthur Ashe
  • Sean Swarmer
  • Mo Farrah
  • Michael Edwards (aka Eddie the Eagle)
  • Nick Santonastasso

Each chapter is a new day and it begins with the narrator talking to the reader as they observe the strange situation Vinnie finds himself in.  The Narrator is a mysterious entity, not of this world yet somehow familiar.

Between them, the narrator and reader make sense of The Orbs teachings and at the end of each chapter, the Narrator recaps the days events with an entertaining poem to reinforce what they have seen.

Vinnie writes The Orbs teachings in his notebook which are included at the end of each chapter. The Narrator and reader sneak a peek at these notes to further reinforce the strategies.

'"Turning the tweens self-help market on its head."

- Year 6 - Primary School Teacher

" Think Roald Dahl meets Dr Wayne Dyer with a splash of David Walliams ."

- Mum of a ten year old

" Making adult concepts on mindfulness and positive thinking accessible to our young adults. "

- Year 7 - High School Counsellor